Hair transplantation is an historic procedure that is done very much today as it was decades ago. While the number of grafts transplanted in a single session has increased over the years, from a few hundred to thousands in a single session, the fundamental concept of moving individual hairs from the back or sides of the head to the top has not changed. Since hair naturally grows in follicles that contain groupings of 1 to 4 hairs, today’s most advanced techniques transplant these naturally occurring 1–4 hair "follicular units" in their natural groupings.
Have a look at these frequently asked questions by our patients-
In “Hair Grafting” Procedure, usually which part of body the hair follicles are taken from?
It’s the back and side area of the head (scalp) form where the hair follicles are taken out to graft at the front & top area of the head. This back & side of scalp is chosen because the hairs in this area is resistant to balding effect of male hormone, that’s why even in bald peoples these back & side hairs does not fall and remains mostly throughout life.
Are the “Grafted” hair permanent or use to fall after sometime?
The hair follicles grafted in Hair Transplant procedure are permanent for rest of your life. But the remaining frontal & top hairs (not grafted ones) can keep falling as they naturally do and you may need more than one sitting to hide overall baldness after 4-5 years or so. However, a good diet plan and few medications can slow down the time of hair fall very much and make your hair healthier.
One should plan hair grafting before how many months of their marriage or any such social gathering?
It is advisable to have Hair Grafting done at least 8 - 12 months before any social event so the grafted hair are fully grown & settled.
Is there any surgery or procedure that can make hair thicker?
Practically, there is no such procedure or surgery. But one can retain / improve the quality of the hair by healthy diet and some drugs.
Are the “Grafted” hair permanent or use to fall after sometime?
The hair follicles grafted in Hair Transplant procedure are permanent for rest of your life. But the remaining frontal & top hairs (not grafted ones) can keep falling as they naturally do and you may need more than one sitting to hide overall baldness after 4-5 years or so. However, a good diet plan and few medications can slow down the time of hair fall very much and make your hair healthier.
One should plan hair grafting before how many months of their marriage or any such social gathering?
It is advisable to have Hair Grafting done at least 8 - 12 months before any social event so the grafted hair are fully grown & settled.
Is there any surgery or procedure that can make hair thicker?
Practically, there is no such procedure or surgery. But one can retain / improve the quality of the hair by healthy diet and some drugs.
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