Saturday 10 March 2018

Vitiligo or White Patches - Is there any way to get rid of them?

Vitiligo (white patch or SAFED DAAG) is a skin condition in which loss of skin color (pigment) occurs; resulting in irregular white patches that feel like normal skin but looks different is color. White patches never harm you physically but unattractive appearance is always undesirable. It may appear at any age and any part of body. Vitiligo most often affects the face, elbows and knees, hands and feet, and genitals. Though difficult to treat, proper medication & surgery by good hands results into satisfactory results.

Is there any permanent treatment to get rid of white patches?
Vitiligo is often difficult to treat. Early treatment options are medication by experienced dermatologist. But once the spots become stable, the white skin can be removed and replaced by new normal coloured skin by dextrous plastic surgeon.

What is the right time to perform surgery on vitiligo?
Once the white spots become stable (neither increasing nor decreasing) for at least one year, this is the right time to under go for plastic surgery. Small patches can be directly excised & repaired, while large spots need removal of white layers & its replacement by normal coloured skin.

What precautions would you suggest after vitiligo surgery?
Massage of the area by prescribed ointments, compression garments and adequate sun-protection is needed for at least one year to get a good result. With proper post-operative precaution you can get a nearly normal looking skin.

For more details, Contact:
Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon
SIPS Hospital, Lucknow
Ph: 9795 800 800

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