Wednesday, 6 April 2016

10 Easy Yoga Poses to Help You Survive Office Work, Stress and Travel

Unfortunately, sitting for prolonged periods of time (even during office or travel) can lead to imbalances in your body that cause poor posture and weight gain. But you can save your health if you follow these quick stretching EASY YOGA POSES that work real good for all. You can practice them whenever you get 5-10 minute free time during office or even travel-

1. Half-Dog (अर्ध-अधो मखा श्वानासन)

2. Chair-Pose (उत्कटासन)

3. Standard Hip Opener (Quad Stretch)

4. Tree- Pose (वृक्षासन)

5. Satanding Big Toe Pose (उत्थिता हस्त पदान्गुस्तासन)

6. Forward Bend (उटासन)

7. Standing Split (उर्ध्व प्रसारित एक पादासन)

8. Half Moon Pose (अर्द्ध चंद्रासन)

9. Extended Side Angle (पार्श्वकोणासन)

10. Warrior Pose II (वीरभद्रासन)


By- Dr. R. K. Mishra, Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon

SIPS Hospital, 29 Shah Mina Road, Lucknow-226003

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Call/Whatsapp- +91 9795800800

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